President’s Message
Greetings to all from St. Louis, Missouri!
Our last meeting in Rochester, MN is in our rear-view mirror and the wonderful Mayo Clinic hosts & hostesses made it one to remember, as we have all come to expect as members of CGS! We now embark on the preparations for the next get together in Key West, FL which promises to be outstanding as well, especially designed for us by Steve and Kathy Ory.
We have recently launched a website update using a new ISP through the efforts of our new webmaster, Michael Chirino. We hope to update all areas and, through the efforts of some of our members, add new content and functionality over time. My hope is that the members will find it a worthwhile visit from time to time. If you have any pictures that you think deserve viewing by the membership, or any ideas for improvement, please do not hesitate to pass them along to me.
Finally, we are always looking for new members that would like to join our awesome group of warm, friendly, outgoing and fun-loving people and help us carry on the tradition of the Continental Gyn Society. Please invite some folks to Key West and let our new secretary/treasurer, Don Bale (, know so he can get them lined up to join us! I look forward to seeing all of you again in 2019, but don’t be afraid to reach out and keep me posted on what is happening with you before then. Cheers!!
Tavo Chirino